Branding Workshops — Lofti
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Lofti TV - Season 2


Branding Workshops

Lofti Branding Workshops


Watch a Lofti Branding Workshop in Action


From London to Chicago, we offer custom branding workshops and trainings in select cities and digital platforms throughout the year. Each session is an exclusive experience designed for a limited number of participants and customized to our attendees, offering an opportunity for direct feedback on your personal and or business brand.


 Hear What Past Clients Say About Lofti Branding Workshops

Branding Workshop Participants Share their Live Experience

Learn how Afenya Montgomery, Creator of iCan Collective and Founder of AM Advisory, used Lofti's Branding Workshop to apply practical branding strategies in her business.

Learn how Kelly Matkovich, Founder of Fit DMC, used Lofti's Branding Workshop to help kickstart her rebrand by finding the right brand values to update her website, elevator pitch and strategy.

Learn how Ari Krzyzek, Founder of Chykalophia and Creative Women's Co, used Lofti's Branding Workshop to help integrate all the elements of her brand into one coherent, concise and compelling story.